Responsible gaming
Responsible Gaming Gaming is a fun and exciting entertainment and combined with the casino atmosphere it provides a most thrilling experience. Gambling is an attractive option if you want to risk it and try your luck; and it is safe as long as the risk-taking is kept under control. Most of casino visitors enjoy this […]
GDPR and Terms & Conditions
TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL 1.1. The following Terms and Conditions are binding to any customer visiting the Casino Malta by Casino Malta (hereinafter “Casino Malta” or “Casino”). 1.2. By entering and using the services of the Casino, the customer agrees to these Terms and Conditions. 2. SMS & E-MAIL INFORMATION 2.1. Casino Malta sends its customers […]
Loyalty Card Rules
In case of breaking the Gaming Act (Chapter 400) of the Laws of Malta, gambling rules or house regulations of Casino Malta by Casino Malta, the casino has the right to end the contract with the client and not allow to serve the client in the casinos without setting term.